Ayurvedic oils are of various types. They can be used as base or as a carrier oil for herbs or can have numerous health advantages when used alone as well. The type of oil used varies depending on the nature of the individual. There are a few factors to take into consideration when choosing an oil for massage. The primary factor is dosha type of the body, this can help determine which oil will counteract the predominant dosha and maintain balance. The other factor is dosha imbalance. When there is an imbalance, the right oil can help to soothe the aggravated dosha and bring equilibrium to the body. There is a third factor as well. Weather plays an important role in body function according to Ayurveda. So, depending on the season, different oils are used.
Abhyangam is one of the most fundamental ayurvedic practices which provides a number of health benefits. Regular Abhyangam done by a skilled ayurvedic professional or as self-massage at home have been proven to drastically improve mental and physical well-being. The benefits of this go far beyond than just healing skin problems or promoting circulation. The practice of massage itself is extremely soothing and calms the mind, providing intense stress relief in the fast-paced world of today. In addition to this, it helps purge toxins from the body as the oils used deeply penetrate the body to provide targeted healing. The most important aspect of Abhyangam is the oil used.
Sesame oil is the most commonly used ayurvedic oil. This is because it is a great carrier oil which can be mixed with other herbs and yet will retain its healing potential. This oil is used to alleviate aggravated vatadosha and restore balance. It also rejuvenates the body and improves digestion.
Castor oil is extremely thick and spreads easily. This makes it another popular carrier oil for ayurvedic massage. It can also be used by mixing other herbs. This oil has the added benefit of pacifying vatadosha and relieving pain and stress. Massaging with castor oil also improves quality of sleep.
Coconut oil is an extremely cooling oil. This is used in Ayurveda to soothe the body, moisturize the skin barrier and restore vata and pitta balance. Coconut oil is also extremely versatile and can be used on the scalp as well as the rest of the body. It is light and restorative and has great healing properties. It is also the most easily absorbed and is a popular choice for ayurvedic massages.
Bhringraj oil is famed in Ayurveda for its hair growth stimulating properties. It can be used for intense head massage and cools the body. It reduces greying of hair and has tridoshic nature, which means it can promote overall dosha balance in the body. Bhringraj oil also awakens skin and heals it.
Ashwagandha and bala are two important ayurvedic herbs. They are extremely revitalizing herbs and can be used to rejuvenate muscles and nerves. Massaging with this oil stimulates the nervous system and helps refresh worn muscles. It provides energy to the body and boosts vitality as well. According to Ayurveda, this oil can help restore torn muscles and has healing properties.
This oil is a unique blend of over 29 ayurvedic herbs. It is potent and powerful and can be used for promoting healthy joints and healing torn muscles. This oil is perfect for those with athletic injuries or sore muscles. It stimulates faster healing of joints and improves tone of muscles as well. It renews joints from wear and tear and can be used regularly for Abhyangam.
Neem oil is extremely cooling. For this reason, it is used to help the body when the weather is quite hot. The antibacterial nature of neem oil also makes it a great oil for the skin. It helps keep skin soft and supple while purging excess sebum and toxins, thereby keeping breakouts at bay. It also helps bring down excessive oil production in the skin. The moisturizing properties of neem oil make it the perfect choice for massage.
Depending on individual needs, Ayurvedic practitioners choose the right oil for you. Always consult an ayurvedic doctor to know the best ways to incorporate Ayurveda into day-to-day life.