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CORIANDERCoriander is a powerful herb which is used extensively in Ayurveda. Both leaves and seeds of the plant are used in cooking to improve digestive health. The leaves are typically used fresh as a garnish for curries or fried dishes, while the seeds are usually ground into a fine powder called ‘dhaniya’ which is used while cooking. It gives a subtle lemony taste, the seeds being a powerhouse of flavour and nutrition. Coriander powder has plenty of ayurvedic uses. It is tridoshic in nature, which means it helps balance all 3 doshas. It also helps remove toxins from the body. Below are the health benefits of coriander powder.

  • Coriander seeds have hypoglycemic properties which make them essential in reducing blood sugar.
  • It helps convert starch to energy, and works effectively in treating the symptoms of diabetes.
  • Coriander powder is a powerful antimicrobial and helps prevent the body from succumbing to infections. It keeps the body safe from bacteria, fungi and other harmful microbes.
  • It is a rich source of vitamin A, C, K, minerals like manganese, iron, folate, potassium and is great for adding nutrition to any food.
  • It helps ward off common colds, flu, cough and other easily spreading illnesses.
  • Coriander seeds are rich in fibre. This makes them a great addition to diet as they can help ease constipation, flatulence, abdominal pain, IBS and more. It helps improve liver function as well.
  • AYURVEDACoriander seeds are powerful antioxidants. This aids in improving overall heart health and reducing the probability of heart ailments.
  • It is an anticoagulant, which helps prevent the formation of clots in the circulatory system.
  • Coriander powder can be used to treat skin issues such as acne, and hair issues such as dandruff.
  • Coriander powder can be made into a paste which can be applied topically to hasten healing times of wounds.
  • The essential oils in the seed make it a great ayurvedic remedy for mouth ulcers.
  • Coriander powder can help regulate the menstrual period in women.
  • Coriander also has anti-arthritic properties.
  • Coriander powder helps treat anemia.

Coriander is a great ayurvedic herb to incorporate into your diet. Always consult an ayurvedic doctor to plan the best diet based on your body requirements.


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