Ayurveda has been practiced for centuries and remains an invaluable form of holistic healing till date. This is because numerous factors set it apart from western medicine. When implementing an ayurveda regimen, it is important to understand that it is a way of life and not merely a simple medicine or quick fix. Ayurveda requires commitment and a willingness to attain balance, which in turn will result in good physical and mental health. Below are a few benefits of Ayurveda which can make a difference to overall health and well-being.
Ayurveda differs from western medicine particularly in this key aspect. It works on the principle that the food we eat and the lifestyle we lead are most important for good health. This means adding healing herbs and spices to diet, incorporating yoga and pranayama into daily routine and other such ayurvedic practices as well. This will help prevent diseases by cutting off poor dietary and health related habits. Panchakarma and consumption of ayurvedic formulations in regular doses is another great way to keep the body hale and hearty. An ayurvedic doctor can provide in depth guidance on how to lead an ayurvedic life.
Ayurveda has been proven to reduce the rate of aging simply by following a few basic principles. The reduction of toxins in the body slows the aging process and keeps individuals feeling youthful and exuberant. Balancing the various aspects of life with physical and mental stimulation, spiritual wellbeing
can all help the body, mind and soul. Ayurveda strives for balance. When this is achieved, the body automatically works smoothly alongside the mind, preventing diseases, building immunity and retaining youth.
Cognitive function is given a definite boost by following an ayurvedic way of life. Keeping the 3 doshas in balance helps the body reach an equilibrium which promotes better mental health. This includes implementing stress relief activities, eating food with incorporated adaptogens and more. Ayurveda details out the ways which not only keep the body physically healthy but also mentally stimulated. Based on age, dosha type, ailments and more, an ayurvedic doctor can provide guidance on the best ways to implement Ayurveda in your life.
Ayurveda stresses on keeping the body healthy from the inside out. This means the body needs to be purged of toxins which can be present in the diet. Toxins can also accumulate in the body as a result of unhealthy habits such as smoking or drinking. Pollution, plastics and the various harmful chemicals used in foodstuff can all cause ama to get stored in the body. Ayurveda helps remove these and restore balance in the body. This is done by a combination of healthy eating, incorporating ayurvedic herbs and spices, and the most important, panchakarma. Panchakarma can be done every few months to refresh the body and give it a boost. An easier version of the same can be done at home too.
In order to experience a life-changing improvement in health and wellness, consult an ayurvedic doctor and embrace the ayurvedic way of living.