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A healthy heart is key to a happy and content life. However, in current times, poor eating habits, lack of exercise and excessive stress have led to a sharp spike in the rate of heart disease. Cardiac arrests have become more common, even among the young. According to Ayurveda, all this is a result of accumulation of ama or toxins in the body. This can cause disruption in the circulatory system and result in increased cholesterol levels as well. Ayurveda prescribes a few ways to keep your heart healthy.


  • Balancing the doshas is key to maintaining heart Aggravated kapha can result in high cholesterol while increased pitta and vata can cause burning sensation and blood pressure respectively.
  • Rasayanas can help stimulate the brain and keep it sharp. This, in turn, helps the heart as well.
  • Reducing ama or toxins in the body is an important ayurvedic practice. Do a cleanse at a retreat or at home to purge the body of all harmful toxins.
  • Stimulation of agni is also key to good heart health. Eat foods which help keep agni burning and do not douse it. Avoid cold water and cold drinks.
  • Ayurveda deals with healing the body and mind cohesively. For this reason, it is important to reduce stressors and negative circumstances to help the body function better.
  • Make a drink of garlic, clove, cinnamon and honey in milk. Drink this every morning to boost heart wellness.
  • Pranayama done daily can help reduce the occurrence of heart issues.
  • Take 3 teaspoons of arjuna powder with honey and warm water 3 times a day. This helps the circulatory system.
  • Chyawanprash can be consumed every day. It is a powerful antioxidant and helps reduce ama in the body.
  • Regular practice of yoga also helps keep the circulatory system in good form.

Always consult an ayurvedic doctor to implement Ayurveda in the best way possible.


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