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Physicians often see patients who complain of dry eyes. With increased hours of looking at the monitor and mobile screens, there’s an increase in people who suffer from dry eyes. Patients often complain of itching in the eye, dryness, redness, and eyestrain.

The primary symptoms of dry eyes include sensitivity to light, blurry vision, headache, redness, pain, watering, and a foreign body sensation.

Dry eye is caused by a lack of enough moisture in the eyes. The condition can be due to reduced secretion of tears or degraded quality of tears. Ageing, increased work stress and anxiety, lack of sleep, exposure to dust, too much exposure to air-conditioned spaces, lengthy use of contact lenses without gap, eye allergies, mental stress, and exposure to harmful chemicals can all trigger a dry eye syndrome. 

According to Ayurvedic experts, dry eyes can also be caused by metabolic problems, allergic reactions, or autoimmune diseases. When overlooked for long, dry eyes may lead to corneal ulcer, conjunctivitis, problems in keeping eyes open, reading, and writing. Some may develop anxiety, stress, and depression, too.


The first thing people suffering from dry eyes can do is to modify their lifestyle and diet. Avoiding junk food, irregular sleeping schedules, hard drinks, cold drinks, and stressful activities can keep dry eyes at bay. The simplest way to prevent dry eyes is to take good care of your eyes.

More often than not, dry eyes are caused by prolonged exposure to mobiles, computers, and television. Refraining from watching TV, looking at the computer, and mobile screens for long durations will help avoid dry eyes.

If your work requires you to look at computer monitors for a long time, you must take breaks between. A proper diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and hydrating items is suitable for the eyes.  If you are living in an area with high dust and allergens, use protective glasses to keep your eyes safe from prolonged exposure to them.

Ayurveda offers effective treatment for dry eye problems. The treatment includes herbal medications and lifestyle modifications. According to Ayurveda, dry eyes may be due to an imbalance of Vata or Pitta. Ayurveda treats dry eyes by clearing the channels to maintain circulation and nourishment of the structures and activating the glands to ensure the normal secretions for moistening the eyes.

There are several Ayurvedic treatments for dry eyes. Sirodhara, Brimhana Nasyam, Shirovasthi, Netra Tarpana are some of the main treatments. Ayurveda doctors choose medicines for treatments by analyzing the clinical stage of the disease and the person’s body type.

Netra Tarpana

Netra tarpana is one of the highly recommended treatments for dry eyes. 

The area around the eyes is packed using wheat flour dough. Liquid ghee derived from cow’s milk is slowly poured onto the eyelids. This treatment enhances vision, relieves eye discomfort, and relaxes the tissues around the eyes.

Triphala Ghrita

Triphala Ghee and other herbs are combined to make Triphala Ghrita, an Ayurvedic medication. Patients can drink it plain or mix it with warm milk. This Ayurvedic remedy helps you get rid of the irritating feeling in your eyes.


Diet plays a vital role in the Ayurveda way of life. For eyes, Ayurveda suggests including fruits and vegetables rich in Vitamin A such as carrots, oranges, cabbage, tomatoes, lettuce, soya beans, dates, and green peas in addition to fresh milk and cheese to your diet. Almonds are also great for eyesight.

Ayurveda is rich with the knowledge of herbs that offer inherent benefits. Triphala is one of them, and bhringraj or amla oil, when applied over the eyes, helps in enhancing eyesight.

Exercises also can keep your eyes healthy. You can do some simple exercises like closing both your eyes by shutting them firmly and then opening them suddenly. After you open your eyes, stretch your face and arch your brows – practice this a few times every day.

To relieve eye strain and improve vision, rub your palms together and place your hand over your eyes without touching the eyelids. It will help enhance your vision.

The above tips will help you improve your eyesight and maintain healthy eyes over time.

Contrary to modern treatment, Ayurveda advocates a systematic and holistic approach to treating dry eye syndrome. Ayurvedic remedies aim to stimulate the glands so that normal tear secretion can keep the eyes moist. It enables a complete revitalization of the eyes and the restoration of the natural tear secretion mechanism. Ayurvedic eye remedies have been used for centuries to strengthen and improve vision. Ayurvedic eye care is gentle, natural, and rejuvenating.


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