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Ayurveda is an ancient science, over 500 years old to be precise, which has been followed for generations and proven to hold great curing abilities and health benefits. However, in recent times, the power of ayurvedic remedies and the ayurvedic lifestyle have been forgotten. As more and more research is being conducted on the potency of ayurvedic medicines and the benefits of ayurvedic practices, new light continues to be shed on their genuineness, their effectiveness in treating numerous illnesses and their side-effect-free nature. This has led the way to more people embracing the natural and holistic healing method of Ayurveda in their everyday life. There are some myths however, which still prevail and give Ayurveda a bad rap. Below we bust a few of these common myths. 


This is a common belief and is completely false. Ayurveda takes a holistic approach to healing. This means, the illness or disease is treated from the root cause, and not just the symptoms. The right ayurvedic regimen and ayurvedic medicines will ensure the entire body has been healed from the inside out, and not just provide “band-aid” cures. This is similar to plenty of modern medicinal advancements as well. Every body has a different time requirement to heal and become well, it is not set in stone and is definitely not indicative of Ayurveda providing slow improvement. In fact, Ayurveda also has an arsenal of remedies which show almost immediate action. Laxatives, digestives are all proven to help hasten the digestion and elimination process. That’s one myth busted for you. 


This is another common misbelief regarding Ayurveda. Many people assume Ayurveda can be useful for common ailments such as cold or flu, but is ineffective against diseases such as diabetes and arthritis. This is not true. Ayurveda has several branches of specialty, focused on different kinds of illnesses and even includes treatments for mental illnesses. Targeted ayurvedic treatments for infants, psychiatric remedies, surgery are all included in ayurvedic practice. It is simply not popularized due to the prevalence of modern medicine. 


Ayurveda is based on the Vedas, which are the spiritual books of India. However, in ancient texts on Ayurveda which is still followed to the letter by authentic Ayurveda practitioners, there is no mention of religion or superstition. The text details complex details of physiology, psychology and anatomy, which are all scientifically accurate. Every treatment and disease have been elaborated in detail and more and more research is being done to test the potency and curative effects of the remedies with positive results. The fundamental crux of Ayurveda is deeply rooted in the actual functioning of the human body. The fundamental principles of Ayurveda are all based on fact, making it a reliable method of healing. 


This is another misconception regarding ayurvedic medicines. Ayurveda uses plenty of natural and nature derived sources to formulate complex recipes which are then used to treat numerous disorders. There are a number of elements in these medicines including oils, salts, minerals, fermented fruit, and on occasion even alcohol. Powerful herbs and spices are also part of this apothecary. The ayurvedic formulations are specific to every ailment and comprise of ways to extract the healing components of every element – plant, metal or mineral. Ayurvedic cures, on occasion, may involve lifestyle changes as well. Pranayama, yoga, are all prescribed by Ayurveda as ways to overcome certain illnesses. 


This is a major myth which holds no truth whatsoever. Similar to modern medication, Ayurvedic medication is potent and powerful. Simply because it is herbal and natural, many people choose to self-medicate themselves with ayurvedic remedies. This is a bad idea and can result in dangerous consequences. While it may be tempting to delve into an ayurvedic lifestyle and ayurvedic healing by yourself, it is not advisable to do the same as the side effects could be drastic. Always consult a professional ayurvedic doctor to structure the perfect plan, diet and medicine for your unique body type and illness.


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