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Ayurveda makes use of several ayurvedic herbs as a way to boost digestion. Intake of these can help promote better gastrointestinal health. Ghee is also considered a great food to take in limited quantities as a way to remove “ama” from the body. 

Digestion starts from the mouth, and for this reason, there are certain ayurvedic treatments you can practice at home by yourself. Every morning, start the day with oil pulling, tongue scraping and a drink of hot water with lemon and ginger. This cleanses your mouth of all toxins, ensuring the food you take in is healthy. 

The next part which requires specific ayurvedic therapy is the gut. Gut health is vital to overall digestive well-being. For this reason, Ayurveda recommends a diet which is balanced, and cooked. Sipping water throughout the day, and a regular intake of probiotics foods such as curd are all extremely healthy eating habits. 

Based on the dosha type of the body, there are several possible meal plans. Find the best Ayurvedic diet for you from an Ayurveda doctor and follow it through for the best results. As a general rule, eat both breakfast and dinner early. Lunch can include more food as the digestive fire or “agni” is most active at noon. 

Ginger, cardamom, cinnamon, clove, black pepper, turmeric, can all be added to food to enhance taste and provide great health benefits as well. By following these ayurvedic diet tips, it is possible to have healthy digestion with smooth and regular bowel movements, better metabolism and overall body wellness.




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