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The thyroid glands’ primary function is to control metabolism by producing and releasing metabolic hormones. A very sensitive endocrine gland, thyroid responds to stress very fast, thus hampering thyroid hormone production.

A thyroid issue is a sign of a sedentary lifestyle, and it is a lifestyle disorder. There are two types of thyroid disorders – Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism. When the thyroid gland produces fewer hormones, it’s called hypothyroidism, and such a person will gain weight. When the thyroid gland makes more thyroid hormones, it’s called hyperthyroidism. Weight loss is one of the symptoms of hyperthyroidism.

Hypothyroidism or underactive thyroid is prevalent these days, affecting 6-10% of women worldwide. Those are suffering from hypothyroidism experience vertigo, fatigue, depression, slow heart rate, weight gain, constipation, dry hair, brittle nails, puffy face, and droopy eyes.

Stress is a significant contributor to the malfunctioning of the thyroid. When the stress comes from overwork, it is said to affect immunity and cause auto-immune conditions. An imbalance of iodine in the body can also cause hypothyroidism.

Ayurveda considers the thyroid an imbalance of Kapha and Vata. 

Ayurveda treatment for thyroid 

Ayurveda doesn’t prescribe one single medicine for a dosha to all patients. The treatment is individualized and aimed to remove the root cause of the illness. Since thyroid imbalance is due to the Vata dosha in the body, patients are advised to take a diet that doesn’t increase the Vata in the body. Food rich in fiber like spinach, beans, legumes, and bananas is advised for such people. Also, they should not overeat or skip meals, instead consume food at regular intervals in small quantities. A fruit a day is also advised.

Thyroid patients have been advised Pranayama as it helps smoothen breathing. Since thyroid issues are connected with a sedentary lifestyle, people are asked to take morning walks regularly. Walking helps to relax and also shed the extra flab. Ayurveda suggests Abhyanga or a self-massaging the body with oil to control the problem of the thyroid.

There are also home remedies that help control thyroid problems. Triphala, methi, ginger, and Aloe Vera are considered suitable for thyroid function. Drinking aloe vera juice can help in balancing the Vata and Kapha dosha in the body. You can replace tea or coffee with herbal tea. Physicians also advise drinking coriander and cumin water to balance the thyroid function. Soak some dhania (coriander) and jeera (cumin) in water and leave it overnight. In the morning, strain the water and drink on an empty stomach.

Ayurveda practitioners often prescribe Trikatu, Triphala, Shilajit, Shankapushpi, and other thyroid dysfunction herbs. Panchakarma (body massage and detoxification), Nasya, Dhara, and Shirodhara are also prescribed for thyroid disorders. 


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