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One of the core principles of Ayurveda is that food is medicine and that it can heal as much as harm. This ancient science divides food into different kinds, hot and cold among other categories, which provide energy and those which make one lazy. The timing and one’s eating routine are also important and so is the manner of eating one’s food. Ayurveda believes that one should begin the day by drinking a glass of warm water on waking up. Add a few drops of lemon if possible. In fact, according to Ayurveda, one should avoid cold water altogether and drink only warm, boiled water, preferably infused with fennel seeds

Also, one should never eat in a rush or gulp down food. Instead, one should chew food properly and savor it. Eating less than what’s required is always better than overeating. We should ideally take meals at the same time every day, and the food should neither be too cold nor too hot. Any imbalance in it can lead to indigestion, bloating, and lethargy. From a deeper perspective, the field of science also recommends that one should eat foods suited for one’s body type. Best are foods that grow well during the season in your locality. Also, raw or boiled foods are the best for the body, while fried foods put pressure on the digestive system and lead to loss of nutrients.

Ayurveda also recommends regular detox of the stomach and has a long list of foods that ideally should not be taken together. For example, milk products and meat/fish/acidic fruits.

According to Ayurveda, breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day. For the same reason, breakfast should be healthy and full of nutrients. Here are three simple and easy-to-cook Ayurvedic breakfast recipes.


Ingredients: Soaked mung beans, lentils, buckwheat or brown rice, chopped vegetables,Coconut oil, onion, ginger, garlic, mustard seeds, turmeric, cumin, coriander powder cumin, red chillies, lime, pepper, and salt.


  • Sauté chopped onions over medium heat, add ginger and garlic.
  • Add pepper, salt, soaked mung beans, buckwheat, or brown rice.
  • Add powders, water, and chopped vegetables and bring to boil.
  • Cover and let it simmer for 20 minutes.
  • Squeeze lime and coriander leaves and serve hot.

Energy Boost with Banana

Ingredients: Peeled and crushed ripe banana, dates, any other fruit of your choice. Ashwagandha or Shatavari.

Method: Combine all of it in a blender for about 30 seconds and serve with a topping of grapes or a slice of apple. When you have little time for cooking, this energy-rich drink can get you going for hours.


Roasted Rice with Dates and Spices

Ingredients: Dates, ghee, rice


  • Chop the dates and keep them aside.
  • Add ghee to a heated saucepan and let it melt.
  • Add the uncooked rice and heat, stirring continuously on a low fire.
  • After around five minutes, add the dates and any spices of your preference.
  • Add water and let it boil.
  • Cover and simmer.
  • Keep checking, and once it has reached the right consistency, switch off.
  • Serve hot. 

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