According to Ayurveda, the human body comprises Saptadhatus, which means seven constituent elements. The dhatus are responsible for the structure of the body. They maintain the functioning of various systems, orsgans, and important parts of the body and have a vital role in developing and nourishing the body.
The dhatus are responsible for the body’s protective mechanism. With the help of agni (fire), they handle the immune processes. Each tissue or dhatu is considered to be governed by one of the – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. When one dhatu starts malfunctioning, it affects the following dhatu. Here, let’s discuss the four dhatus.
Medas Dhatu
Otherwise known as the body’s fatty tissues, its key function is lubrication. These tissues store excess body fat in the abdomen. As the adrenal cortex is in charge of fat metabolism, keeping your stress levels under check is pertinent to avoid gaining weight. Also, this is where HDL cholesterol in the body, the good cholesterol provides structure and shape. The sure sign that the Medas is nourished is that you will have beautiful hair, healthy skin and complexion, well-oiled joints, moist lips, and healthy bowel movements.
On the contrary, a deficiency of Medas dhatu will make you sluggish, your metabolic fire repressed, and the metabolic activity slowed down. The digestion will become slow, and all dhatus will begin to increase. Furthermore, there will be soft tissue, especially around the abdomen. The signs of a deficit Medas dhatu include a gaunt face, dry hair or skin, and cracks over the lips and tongue point. One of the pragmatic ways to monitor Medas dhatu is done by Ayurvedic physicians by visually examining the body and checking if there is an even spread of body fat, hair, and skin.
Asthi Dhatu
In Sanskrit, Asthi means bones. This tissue gets nourished by Mamsa dhatu, and its key function is to hold your body erect. In old age, the bone tissue starts degenerating. Bones store minerals like calcium, magnesium, and zinc. When this tissue is nourished, your joints, bones, ankles, heels, nails, and teeth become healthy, and you will feel energetic and active. Your body will be strong too. If it is deficient, you will see cracking and inflexible joints, bone pain, nail issues, excessive hair growth, teeth issues, receding gums, sensitivity to cold and humidity, backaches, and spinal cord issues.
Majja Dhatu
The nervous system and bone marrow are treated as a single one in Ayurveda. Its key function is to increase the bone cavity. Balancing Majja dhatu comes from the stillness in your mind and body, while meditation and yoga are very effective practices to focus your mind and further reduce your stress level. A well-nourished optimal state of Majja means you will have soft organs, a good complexion, long rounded joints, an ability to fight ailments, and overall robust health and longevity. Signs of deficiency in asthi means you feel dizziness, lack of stability, swollen or painful joints, memory loss, fear and anxiety, shivering, ringing ears, dark circles around the eyes, stuttering, sensitivity to noise, and sleep disorders.
Shukra Dhatu
It is the final dhatu in the tissue formation cycle. It is also the male semen and the female egg, as it contains the essence of all the other dhatus of the body. Reproduction is its key function. The primary element in producing Shukra dhatu is water, the key nourishment of the body and dhatus. Rasa dhatu or lymph is the first level, and it contains micro-nutrients, while Medas dhatu is considered more refined and stores the energy of water as body fat.
Furthermore, only the most nourishing foods nourish Shukra dhatu, including milk, meat juice (bone broth), ghee, and nuts. A well-nourished Shukra means you will have delicate features, beautiful eyes, teeth, complexion, and overall appearance. Your body, too, will be strong and healthy. Suppose you have a deficiency in this dhatu. In that case, you will have trouble in conceiving (female), immature or painful ejaculation (male), sperm in urine, blood in sperm, enlarged prostate, or even may feel fear towards sex.
Now that you’ve understood the various dhatus and their roles, if you feel any imbalance, don’t hesitate to consult an Ayurvedic physician.