Ayurvedic Singapore’s approach to psoriasis management

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The prevalence of psoriasis globally is said to have been between 1.5-2%, while plaque psoriasis is the most common type seen. The expert at Ayurvedic Singapore says psoriasis is a long-term ailment, which is also cumbersome to treat; the best bet is to go for Ayurvedic treatment to get relief from the disease in a natural way.

According to the expert at Ayurvedic Singapore, psoriasis is triggered by unbalanced Vata and Kapha doshas. There are many reasons for the cause of this disease, but toxins, stress, and constant consumption of specific foods such as seafood, yogurt, and salty cuisines are risk factors. Grattage and Auspitz tests are the two most common methods of evaluating psoriasis. Instead of looking for temporary relief, these testing methods are employed to focus on a sustainable treatment, says the expert at Ayurveda Singapore. Since skins is one of the most sensitive part of the body, skin it is pertinent to avail of Ayurvedic treatment, which focuses on natural healing.

Possible Treatments

The expert at Ayurvedic Singapore says that the Ayurvedic practitioner will take a call to build a treatment plan afteer assessing the patient’s symptoms and lifestyle. The possible treatments include dietary adjustments, herbs, body oils, massage, enemas or laxatives, controlled vomiting, and blood cleansing with herbs or bloodletting, which includes draining blood from the body. One should include drinking plenty of water and eating green and leafy vegetables that would help with psoriasis. The expert at Ayurveda Singapore says that foods that need to be avoided include alcohol, spicy food, junk food, acidic food, and red meat.

Herbal Treatment

There are several herbs Ayurveda recommends that would help in the treatment of psoriasis. As per the expert at Ayurveda Singapore, turmeric, andira araroba, olive oil, milk thistle, cayenne pepper, and aloe vera are the best bet for the effective treatment of psoriasis.

Elaborating on each of these herbs, citing numerous studies, the expert at Ayurveda Singapore said that turmeric had proven efficacy in reducing inflammation and has antioxidant qualities. Therefore, turmeric protects cells. You can either consume turmeric by adding the same to your daily food diet or take it orally as a supplement. “Andira Araroba tree is used to make botanical powder, where a paste is made out of it, adding vinegar or lemon juice and applied to psoriasis spots. What’s more, olive oil can be directly applied to psoriasis patches or mixed into a bath to relieve dryness and inflammation, “says the expert at Ayurveda

Singapore. Furthermore, the milk thistle plant relieves psoriasis symptoms by improving the liver and immune systems’ function. 

Cayenne Pepper is another herb very effective in the treatment of psoriasis. Capsaicin is found in chili peppers and used in Ayurvedic treatment. The expert at Ayurvedic Singapore says that capsaicin, when applied to the skin as a cream, will inhibit pain-inducing nerve endings. Further, it helps with psoriasis inflammation, scaling, and redness. While applying capsaicin, a burning sensation is induced on your skin, and it is worth enduring this than perennially suffering from psoriasis. Last but not the least, applying gel extracted from the aloe vera plant is used to treat plaques. Also, it helps to minimize itching and scaling, adds the expert at Ayurveda Singapore.



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