Ayurveda may help avoid surgeries for back pain

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Back pain is one of the leading causes of disability worldwide. However, Ayurvedic measures can help relieve and even prevent most back pain episodes, says Dr. V.C. Ajith Kumar, Director and Principal Consultant of Ayush Ayurveda, Singapore.  Back pain can affect people of all ages for different reasons. Dr. V.C. Ajith Kumar, Ayurveda Doctor at Ayush Singapore, says, “As people get older, there is a greater chance of developing lower back pain. Factors like previous occupation and degenerative disk disease are major reasons for back pain.”

Chronic back pain can impact the quality of one’s life, whatever one’s age. “From sitting in uncomfortable positions for long periods to lifting heavy objects and exerting undue pressure on the back- all can cause back pain. The good news is that surgery is rarely needed to treat back pain. With Ayurveda, back pain can be managed, lessened, and we can stop it from progressing further,” says Dr. V.C. Ajith Kumar, Ayurveda Doctor at Ayush Singapore.

Vata dosha

According to Ayurveda, diseases are caused by an imbalance of the Tridoshas – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Dr. V.C. Ajith Kumar, Ayurveda Doctor at Ayush Singapore, says back pain is due to Vata imbalance. Vata imbalance is quite bad as it affects the entire body and causes immense pain.   “We recommend Mahanarayana tailam, Asthavargam, Triphala Guggul, Lakshadiguggul, and Yogarajagugul, among to treat Vata imbalance, says Dr. V.C. Ajith Kumar, Ayurveda Doctor at Ayush Singapore. 

Ayurvedic massages

Dr. V.C. Ajith Kumar, Ayurveda Doctor at Ayush Singapore, says that external management is recommended for back pain than medication. Physiotherapy is integral to back pain treatment of spinal and back-related aches and injuries. “Many Ayurvedic massages are available to manage various kinds of body pain. Kati basti (kati vasti) specifically addresses the degeneration of the spine. It involves the massaging heated medicated oils on the affected part to relieve inflammation, relax the muscles and tendons and increase blood flow,” says Dr. V.C. Ajith Kumar, Ayurveda Doctor at Ayush Singapore. 

Kati basti relieves problems like spondylosis, spinal problems, and those caused by abnormal postures. Abhyanga with pottali sweda and Kerala-based massage therapies like elakizhi, pizhichil, and navarakizhi are prescribed for backaches,” says Dr. V.C. Ajith Kumar, Ayurveda Doctor at Ayush Singapore.  He adds, “A complete Panchakarma therapy can reinstate well-being and vitality in the body. Regular application of Aswagandha oil is also seen to ease muscle pains and soreness.”

Diet and lifestyle for Vata

Dr. V.C. Ajith Kumar, Ayurveda Doctor at Ayush Singapore, says that Ayurveda never treats only a particular body part or disease. “We consider the entire body and the patient’s history before starting the treatment. As back pain is due to the imbalance of Vata, we recommend patients avoid cold foods, drinks, and cool climates. Drinking water soaked with Ajwain seeds is beneficial for muscle-related ailments and pain,” says Dr. V.C. Ajith Kumar, Ayurveda Doctor at Ayush Singapore.

About the Doctor

V.C. Ajith Kumar is a veteran of Ayurvedic Medicine. With over 32 years of experience treating patients using the ancient science of Ayurveda, Dr. V.C. Ajith Kumar is well-known in India and abroad.

A Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAMS) from Ayurvedic College Coimbatore, India in 1988, V.C. Ajith Kumar was mentored by his guru Bhramasri Ashtavaidyan Vaidyamadam Valiya Narayanan Namboothiri. Dr. V.C. Ajith Kumar perfected the science of Ayurveda by staying with his guru for four years and became an expert in Ashta Vaidya, particularly in the Vaidyamadam tradition.

V.C. Ajith Kumar had worked for a year at Coimbatore Ayurvedic College and subsequently 14 years as a Medical Officer with the Tamilnadu Government Medical Service. In 2004, he moved to Malaysia and served as a Senior Ayurvedic Consultant with Promotil Ayur Health Centre Sdn Bhd. In 2008, Dr. V.C. Ajith Kumar established Ayush Ayurvedic Pte Ltd in Singapore to offer traditional Ayurvedic treatments to the people there.

He adds, “Try to keep warm and take hot foods. Avoid spicy and pungent foods. Daily oil massage for the body can do wonders in Vata. We at Ayush Singapore prescribe the suitable oils for patients.  We also recommend avoiding a sedentary lifestyle, stress and avoiding sleeping in the daytime, says Dr. V.C. Ajith Kumar, Ayurveda Doctor at Ayush Singapore.


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