Ayurveda for headaches

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You can keep a strict check on headaches by focusing on the cause and using the best Ayurveda Singapore-recommended solutions.
Headache is a common word people use as it affects many of us at one point or another. Ayurvedic Singapore therapists say people turn to Ayurveda after trying painkillers that only give momentary relief. Headaches, when not attended to with mindful solutions, will tend to make frequent visits to disrupt the daily pattern of life.
There are many causes of headaches, and the Ayurveda Singapore team enumerates the most common ones for better understanding. Food timing is an essential aspect of anyone’s life. One should have food on time, and the first meal of the day, a healthy breakfast, should always be given topmost priority. But the new age habits where people are mostly seen chasing time often skip breakfast. This habit, when continued for a long time, could lead to headaches and other digestive issues too. The favourite hashtag, ‘stress,’ has made a permanent place in the life of people when weight issues will also be a cause of headaches. Other causes that give rise to different levels of headache are indigestion, constipation, consumption of contaminated food or too oily food, eating dry or salty food, feelings of anger, or even melancholy.
Ayurveda has ancient knowledge on headaches based on studying the doshas found in every human body. The reason for headache is when there is an imbalance in the doshas – Vata, Pitta, and Kapa. Upon understanding the actual cause of imbalance, it becomes easy to come up with therapies and suitable lifestyle changes to get the desired happy results.
Vata headache and Ayurveda ways to experience relaxation
Vata headaches are characterized by a throbbing headache. It often feels like a band tightening around your neck and back of your head. Ayurvedic Singapore says these headaches are typically due to stress, worry, or emotional upheaval. A Vata headache can also result from inadequate sleep. Vata is linked to air; therefore, hydrating the body can help reduce a Vata headache and its accompanying dryness. Ayurveda remedy suggests taking a lot of rest and sipping some warm water. In severe situations, nasya can tried, wherein a few drops of sesame oil are put through the nostril. Concentrate on using massages and deep breathing techniques to help the body relax.
Pitta headache and the Ayurveda mantra to make it disappear forever
Pitta headaches are characterized by sharp, shooting pains that start at the temple and spread to the centre of the head. Symptoms that Ayurveda Singapore hints at include light-headedness and sensitivity to sounds, odors, and lights. Foods that are sour or spicy may worsen them. Anti-inflammatory medications are advised for patients as pita is also associated with inflammation.
Food that is easily digested is the best way to balance the fire (acidity) element that is associated with the Pitta dosha. Steer clear of sour and hot foods and fill up on sweet, refreshing foods like cucumber. Additionally, people should try warming coconut oil massages and calming yoga poses.
Kapha headache and the Ayurveda methods to diminish the discomfort
Since a Kapha headache arises from phlegm build-up in the brain and nasal canals, it may be the longest-lasting and most incapacitating type. Ayurvedic Singapore therapists further emphasize that people with this type of headache might feel a dull discomfort around the cheeks, above the eyes, and back of the head. Bending their head down or washing their hair can make it worse. The natural way to address this is to inhale steam daily to reduce the mucus. To ease congestion, people can also use a neti pot. It is highly recommended to drink herbal tea with ginger or lemon, with a touch of pepper for taste.
Say goodbye to headache
  • There are various Ayurvedic therapies for headaches, such as brahmi thailam, ashwagandha arishtam, and triphala churna. 
  • Ayurveda generally suggests that frequent yoga and meditation practice helps to relax the body.
  • Headaches can be treated with specific poses, such as the setu bandhasana,paschimottasana, anusirasana, and balasana.
  • Sleep is another good way to reduce headaches. Proper sleep should comprise eight hours of relaxation.
  • One should watch what they eat or drink and, most importantly, follow a proper eating schedule.

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