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We all know that negative emotions can affect us badly. Negative attitudes and hopelessness can give chronic stress, which can topple the body’s hormone balance by reducing the secretion of the chemical needed for happiness, in turn causing harm to the immune system.


Movies and fiction portray heartaches when there is love failure. It’s true that love, joy, sadness, happiness has a direct correlation with your heart. When you go through negative emotions, the heart gets affected, and it may lead to hypertension, stress, chest pain, coronary artery disease, heart attacks and so on.

Ayurveda considers a type of pitta is located in the heart region which when aggravated can lead to many health problems. Breathing exercises are recommended to bring the emotions under control. Almonds, walnuts, whole grains, and cow’s milk are good for heart. Arjuna and Triphala are considered good to balance emotions in the heart region.


The brain is a complex organ in the human body, with over 100 billion nerves communicating with synapses. Emotions that are connected to the brain are fear, happiness, anger, anxiety, worries, and calmness.

Ayurveda suggests meditation, breathing practices, head massage, Shirodhara, and Nasya for brain health. Nuts and seeds are good for the brain, and Bhrami and Shankhapushpi are believed to overcome the negative emotions related to the brain.

Shirodhara, the pouring of medicated oil on the forehead for about 30-40 minutes can give tremendous relief from stress and anxiety, and it is useful to manage insomnia. According to Ayurveda, the nose is the gateway to the brain. In Nasya, oil is poured through the nose, and it helps manage certain disorders related to the mind.

Liver and Gallbladder

The liver is the site for pitta, and it is responsible for metabolism, fat storage, and sugar balance. 

With fire and water being dominant, emotions that affect the liver and gall bladder include anger, anxiety, frustration, and irritation. The imbalance of emotions can cause headaches, fatigue, skin issues, digestive problems, weak immune system, and constipation.

To balance pitta dosha, drinking plenty of water and eating sweet fruits, including leafy vegetables, ginger, fennel, and coriander, will help.


Vata and Kapha are the elements present in the region. Grief, sadness, and depression can affect the lungs leading to breathlessness, congestion, pain, and low immunity.

Breathing exercises, consuming grapes and apricot and including cardamom, pepper, and ginger in the diet can help ease the imbalance. 


Today, a large number of women complain of irregular menstrual cycles, heavy bleeding, PCOD, and fibroids. Suppression of emotions can trigger gynaecological issues. Emotions such as insecurity, uncertainty, or trauma can trigger uterine problems.

While yoga and meditation have proven to be effective, Shirodhara is beneficial to manage gynaecological problems. Herbs like Shatavari, Brahmi, and Shankhapushpi are used in Ayurveda to manage uterine issues. Including cardamom and ginger in the diet can also help.

Kidney and Bladder

The kidney and bladder balance the body fluids. Vata and Kapha dosha is located in the region. Kidneys filter minerals from the blood and remove waste. It manages blood pressure. Fear, weak willpower, insecurity are said to create kidney problems like frequent urination, urinary tract infection, kidney stones, and lower back pain. One needs to stay hydrated and avoid alcohol and smoking. Grapes, apples, strawberries, pomegranates are good for the kidney. Herbs like punarnava and basil are used in Ayurveda.

For healthy living, we need to change our negative emotional reactions into positive ones.

Daily practices help one move towards greater balance and emotional harmony. In Ayurveda, it is called dinacharya, the daily routine to create a positive effect on your mind and body.



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