Treating fungal skin infections in the Ayurveda way

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However old we are, all of us want to look young. Dr. V. C. Ajith Kumar, Director and Principal Consultant of Ayush Ayurveda, Singapore, Little India Branch elucidates that it is not just your face that need to worry about aging but it’s actually the skin that has to be taken care of. How do you do this? Read on to know what the Ayurvedic doctor says.  

Dr. Ajith Kumar, renowned Ayurvedic doctor says, “The skin is exposed to various kinds of fungus and at times gets infected too. Millions worldwide suffer from such infections. It mostly affects areas like the feet, groin, and folds of skin, and causes rashes on the scalp. It also causes itchiness and discolouration of the skin.”

In Ayurveda, fungal infection of the skin can be treated with antifungal herbs and it is the safest way as they are without side effects. It addresses the root cause of the disease

Dr. Ajith Kumar, Ayurvedic doctor, says, “Patients have to modify their diet and lifestyle while taking Ayurvedic treatment for skin diseases. We, at Ayush Ayurveda, Singapore offer this kind of holistic treatment to get successful outcomes.”

According to Treating fungal skin infections in the Ayurveda way, the diet should include the following ingredients.


The diet should include the following ingredients, says Dr. Ajith Kumar.

  • Garlic: Its antiviral, antibacterial properties reduces inflammation.
  • Aloe vera: Provides relief from itching and burning sensation.
  • Turmeric: Inhibits growth of fungus. Can be used internally and externally.
  • Amla: Activates the defence mechanism of the body
  • Ginger: Boosts immunity.
  • Fresh fruits:  Being rich in vitamin C, Citrus fruits are beneficial for the skin.
  • Juices: Fresh fruit juices will keep the skin hydrated.

According to Dr. Ajith Kumar, Ayurvedic doctor, taking plenty of water keeps the body hydrated and wards of further infections. It is also important to avoid processed foods, oily foods and foods rich in saturated fats and carbohydrates. Dr. Ajith Kumar insists on avoiding dairy products, non-vegetarian diet, coffee and carbonated drinks.

Dr. Ajith Kumar, Ayurvedic doctor says, “It is also important to keep the skin moisturized with coconut oil. As sweating will increase the infection, it is best to avoid hot climes. Loose clothes will prevent skin irritation.”

Dr. Ajith Kumar elaborates about the Ayurvedic herbs used in treatment of fungal infections.

Rasonam: Clears toxins from blood and lymph. Soaking your feet in garlic infused water can treat fungal infections of the feet (athlete’s feet). You can reduce fungal growth in the affected area if you apply oil, which has garlic soaked in olive oil.

Adraka: Treats disorders of all 3 doshas. Affected area can be washed with garlic boiled water.

Yashtimadhu: Cleanses kapha and has numerous antifungal phyto constituents. It can be boiled separately or combined with ginger. It can be had as a milk decoction, powder or ghee.

Haridra: With its ability to treat psoriasis, acne and inflammation is usually consumed in the form of a milk decoction, infusion or lepa.

Ashwagandha: A very effective immune-boosting herb. It manages candidiasis and any fungal infection with ease.

Vasa: It is used in the form of an infusion, decoction, extract, poultice or powder for managing kapha disorders and fungal infections.

Dr. Ajith Kumar says that at Ayush Ayurveda, Singapore, medicines like Hinguliya Manikyarasa, Dadrughni vati, Chandraprabha vati, Arogyavardhini vati, Kaishora Guggulu and Gandhak Rasayana are considered for the treatment of fungal infections. However, there is no one size fits all and all the medication should be taken under the supervision of an experienced Ayurveda doctor.

About the Doctor

Dr. V. C. Ajith Kumar is a veteran in Ayurvedic Medicine with over 32 years of experience.  A Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAMS) from Ayurvedic College Coimbatore, India in 1988, V.C. Ajith Kumar was mentored by his guru Bhramasri Ashtavaidyan Vaidyamadam Valiya Narayanan Namboothiri. He is an expert in Ashta Vaidya, particularly in the Vaidyamadam tradition.

Dr. V.C. Ajith Kumar has worked for 14 years as a Medical Officer with the Tamil Nadu Government Medical Service. In 2004, he moved to Malaysia and served as a Senior Ayurvedic Consultant with Promotil Ayur Health Centre Sdn Bhd. In 2008, Dr. V.C. Ajith Kumar established Ayush Ayurvedic Pte Ltd in Singapore with an aim to offer traditional Ayurvedic treatments to the people there.


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