Benefits Of Jeera Water

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Cumin or jeera is widely used in Indian cuisine and also in Ayurveda. Jeera water, when taken on an empty stomach in the morning, helps digestion, reduces bloating, and helps in weight reduction, says Dr. V.C. Ajith Kumar, Director and Principal Consultant of Ayush Ayurveda, Singapore.

Jeera or cumin water is very easy to make. Dr. V.C. Ajith Kumar, Ayurveda Doctor, Ayush Singapore, says just put some cumin seeds in lukewarm water. Else, you can boil some cumin seeds in water and drink it warm. Drink this after lunch, and it will reduce Pitta.

According to Dr. V.C. Ajith Kumar, Ayurveda Doctor, Ayush Singapore, cumin is a spice that stimulates digestive juices. “It can keep tummy troubles like acidity and indigestion at bay.” 

According to Dr. V.C. Ajith Kumar, Ayurveda Doctor, Ayush Singapore, “Jeera water acts as an analgesic and is especially beneficial in managing stomach pain. Cumin water fuels the secretion of digestive enzymes and speeds up the digestion process. It helps to fight gut issues.”

Cumin can be used as whole seeds, powdered, raw, or dry-roasted.

Weight management

According to Dr. V.C. Ajith Kumar, Ayurveda Doctor, Ayush Singapore, cumin is considered to help weight management as it improves metabolism and manages cholesterol levels. Cumin is a rich source of iron and is hence useful in anemia. It helps in blood pressure as it improves blood flow and relaxes the blood vessels.


Dr. V.C. Ajith Kumar, Ayurveda Doctor, Ayush Singapore, says, “It is called Atisaram in Ayurveda. Improper food, contaminated water, and weak digestive fire can cause diarrhoea. The above factors can aggravate Vata, which causes fluid in the intestine from many tissues and mixes with stool. It leads to loose motions or diarrhoea. Cumin is good for managing diarrhoea as it improves Agni and controls Vata. Cumin helps to hold fluid in the intestine and lessen the frequency of motion.”


According to Dr. V.C. Ajith Kumar, Ayurveda Doctor, Ayush Singapore, gas formation is due to an imbalance of Vata and Pitta doshas. When digestion is impaired, it can cause gas or flatulence. Cumin has appetizer and digestive properties, and including cumin in the diet helps to manage weak digestion.

Colic pain

Dr. V.C. Ajith Kumar, Ayurveda Doctor, Ayush Singapore, says, “Colic pain is called Shula. It can be due to an increase in Vata. Cumin has Vata balancing properties, and it reduces colic pain.


According to Dr. V.C. Ajith Kumar, Ayurveda Doctor, Ayush Singapore, “Many women suffer from dysmenorrhea and experience pain or cramps during or before menstruation. Menstruation is governed by Vata dosha. So Vata should be under control in women to manage dysmenorrhea. Cumin has Vata balancing property and is good in dysmenorrhea.”

How to make jeera water

Boil water, add cumin seeds, and boil for a few minutes. You can also roast cumin seeds, powder them and add them to a glass of boiled water.

Dr. V.C. Ajith Kumar, Ayurveda Doctor, Ayush Singapore, says, “Cumin seeds are carminative in nature and aid digestion. Chewing on a handful of cumin seeds is good after a heavy meal. If you don’t like the flavor of cumin seeds, you can drink a glass of jeera water. Drinking jeera water daily keeps your digestion healthy.

About the Doctor

V.C. Ajith Kumar is a veteran of Ayurvedic Medicine. With over 32 years of experience treating patients using the ancient science of Ayurveda, Dr. V.C. Ajith Kumar is well-known in India and abroad. A Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAMS) from Ayurvedic College Coimbatore, India in 1988, V.C. Ajith Kumar was mentored by his guru Bhramasri Ashtavaidyan Vaidyamadam Valiya Narayanan Namboothiri. Dr. V.C. Ajith Kumar, perfected the science of Ayurveda by staying with his guru for four years and became an expert in Ashta Vaidya, particularly in the Vaidyamadam tradition. V.C. Ajith Kumar had worked for a year at Coimbatore Ayurvedic College and subsequently 14 years as a Medical Officer with the Tamilnadu Government Medical Service. In 2004, he moved to Malaysia and served as a Senior Ayurvedic Consultant with Promotil Ayur Health Centre Sdn Bhd. In 2008, Dr. V.C. Ajith Kumar established Ayush Ayurvedic Pte Ltd in Singapore to offer traditional Ayurvedic treatments to the people.


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