Medical sciences have analyzed male sexual health conditions in general. But the research conducted by Ayurvedic Singapore, in particular, found the causes for certain male sexual conditions, and they offer solutions according to the Ayurvedic ways.
Speaking about the male sexual health conditions, an expert at Ayurveda Singapore classifies Claibya or sexual dysfunction (erectile dysfunction or ED) into four types: ED can be caused due to ageing process, undernourishment, trauma to reproductive tissues, and reduced shukra dhatu.
Oldage ED
Quoting Acharya Charaka, the expert at Ayurvedic Singapore, describes Jaraja Claibya or ED in an elaborate way: “As men grow old, the male hormone called testosterone levels decreases, triggering a slew of conditions including obesity, depression, loss of sensitivity of nerves (more particularly in the male genital organ – penis), atrophy of penile muscles, shrinkage of testicles, low energy level and loss of stamina and concentration.’
The expert at Ayurvedic Singapore adds, “Low testosterone-related metabolic disturbances lead to type 2 diabetes, high levels of cholesterol in the blood, heart and vascular diseases. A combination of these factors, in turn, will lead to the loss of male libido and ED.”
Kshayaja Klaibya
The Ayurvedic texts term the fourth type of impotence as ‘Kshayaja Klaiba.’ This type of ED is due to the reduction in the quality and quantity of semen. According to the expert at Ayurvedic Singapore, there is a range of factors that harm semen quality and quantity, such as constant undue worry just about everything, repeated experience of grief, uncontrolled anger, anxiety and stress, fear of confronting issues; alcohol addiction, marijuana, and other drugs; junk food and repeated fasting when the body is undernourished. These factors will obviously reduce both the quantity and quality of rasa dhatu.
Rasa Dhathu
It is the first dhatu that is formed when food is digested, and Rasa Dhathu is replete with immense nutrients, says the expert at Ayurvedic Singapore. The successive dhatus such as Rakta Dhathu (Blood), Mamsa (Muscle Tissue), Medha (Body Fat), Asthi (Bones or Skeletal System), Majja (Bone Marrow), and Shukra get nutrients from rasa dhatu. In fact, the Shukra Dhathu is the last tissue to get nourished, says the expert at Ayurvedic Singapore. Obviously, when the quality of Rasa Dhathu is poor, the nourishment that reaches Shukra Dhathu too will be poor. Eventually, the quantity and quality of Shukra Dhathu will be reduced, which will lead to Claibya or ED.
Dhvajabhangaja Klaibya
Men experience Dhvajabangaja Klaibya, when tissues of the male reproductive system degenerate or experience trauma, says the expert at Ayurvedic Singapore. Several causes, such as chronic diseases, hunger, trauma to penile tissues, and more, can cause this type of ED in young men. Citing Ayurveda texts, the expert at Ayurvedic Singapore says that the injury to the penis may cause ED. The injury could be due to trauma, infections, chronic diseases, or simply an imbalance of tridosha; when there is a failure to achieve a regular supply of blood to the penis, ED sets in. The reasons for this type of ED include chronic diseases such as tuberculosis, which cause emaciation and, in turn, might as well damage male sexual function. Other reasons are trauma during intercourse, trauma to the pelvic region, prolonged bicycle riding, etc.