Ayurvedic Singapore expert talks about managing asthma

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Asthma, a respiratory disease, is characterised by narrowing of the airways and is caused due to the excessive intake of Vata (cold), Kapha aggravating food items, weakening of the lung tissues, and issues caused by lung diseases, according to the expert at Ayurveda Singapore. Along with that, environmental lifestyle factors too play a role in asthma. Taking stale or cold foods that are hard to digest leads to the formation of ama (mucus), thereby triggering blockage in the respiratory channel and resulting in breathing difficulties. Also, living in cold and damp environs too is a reason for asthma.

Choosing Ayurveda

On why you should opt for Ayurveda to treat asthma, the expert at Ayurvedic Singapore says that in contrast with other treatment procedures which take a plunge into symptom management, Ayurveda has a cohesive focus on finding and addressing the root cause of the disease. Initially, Ayurveda begins the procedure by detoxifying the body to make sure that the medicines worked better to treat the actual root cause of the disease. Secondly, Ayurveda lays emphasis on diet and lifestyle other than medicines, which complements the effect of medicines, besides sustaining the benefit of treatment after medicines have ended. The third aspect is that by having a cohesive focus on the root cause of the disease, Ayurveda effectively reduces the risk of chronic health issues borne out of the untreated underlying cause, says the expert at Ayurvedic Singapore.


There are two types of asthma: bronchial and allergic. At first, Ayurveda focuses on reducing localised inflammations, cleansing and strengthening pranavaha strotas, and balancing aggravated doshas, says the expert at Ayurvedic Singapore. Apart from herbal medicines, Panchakarma therapies, including oiling and swedana or sudation, are recommended. In terms of allergic asthma, treatment works towards strengthening the immune system, in addition to the cleansing of toxins from the respiratory channels, thus reducing hypersensitivity to allergens, says the expert. What’s more, Panchakarma therapies are recommended for allergic asthma as well.

Home Remedies

Let’s see how these easy-to-source and make home remedies can save you from the potential attack of asthma.

  • Ginger and Garlic: Ginger and garlic are common ingredients we use in many of our dishes almost on a daily basis. If any member of your family is suffering from asthma, you can consider making ginger tea, says the expert at Ayurvedic Singapore. Ginger helps heal inflammation. Make half a cup of ginger tea and mix it with 2-3 crushed garlic cloves. This is a very effective remedy in terms of releasing the Kapha accumulation in the airways and eventually preventing asthmatic attacks.
  • Ginger and Turmeric: Another combination is ginger turmeric tea. Grate the ginger afresh and boil it along with a glass of milk and half a teaspoon of turmeric powder. According to the expert at Ayurvedic Singapore, if this drink is consumed twice a day, it helps a lot in terms of reducing the frequency of asthma attacks, says the expert at Ayurveda Singapore.
  • Cinnamon and Honey: The expert at Ayurveda Singapore suggests boiling a cup of water and adding one teaspoon of cinnamon and 1/4 teaspoon of trikatu. Mix it nicely and keep it for ten minutes to settle. Furthermore, add one teaspoon of honey, and then you can have it twice a day which will help you to prevent the possible asthma attack.
  • Licorice and Ginger: Otherwise known as mulethi (Hindi), Licorice is replete with anti-inflammatory properties. Consuming a tea made with half a teaspoon each of Licorice and ginger daily will help in keeping asthma at bay, says the expert from Ayurvedic Singapore.
  • Bay Leaf: Take half a teaspoon of bay leaf and 1.4 teaspoons of pippali along with one teaspoon of honey and have it thrice a day to contain chronic symptoms of asthma, adds the expert at Ayurvedic Singapore.



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