‘Dosha’ comes from Sanskrit which means ‘fault’. Most physical and mental ailments are caused by an imbalance in doshas.
So, what are Doshas? There are 3 basic types of doshas, these are Kapha, Vata, and Pitta. Each of these Dosha governs certain functional aspects of the body and must be balanced in order for ones’s physical, spiritual, and mental wellbeing.
Vata derives from the elements of Space and Air and translates as “wind”. It is the energy of movement and the force governing all biological activity. Vata is often called the “King of the Doshas,” since it governs the body’s greater life force and gives motion to Pitta and Kapha.
A person with an out of balance Vata shows signs of anxiety, nervousness, insecurity and hyperactivity. Excess Vata in the mind can also leave you feeling high-strung, as if you’re perpetually “on edge, also causing interrupted sleep, and bodily disorders related to dryness, such as dry skin and constipation.
It is the energy of digestion and metabolism in the body that functions through carrier substances such as organic acids, hormones, enzymes, and bile. While Pitta is most closely related to the element of Fire, it is the liquid nature of these substances that accounts for the element of Water in Pitta’s make-up.
If the fiery Pitta dosha is out of balance in a person, it can lead to anger, rage, and ego, and manifesting in the body as infection, inflammation, rashes, ulcers, heartburn, and fever.
Kapha derives from the elements of Earth and Water. It is the energy of building and lubrication that provides the body with physical form, structure, and the smooth functioning of all its parts. Kapha can be thought of as the essential cement, glue, and lubrication of the body in one.
When out of balance, Kapha could cause one to feel greedy, possessive, and can also create stubbornness, lethargy, and resistance to change. Physically, Kapha tends to invite stagnation and congestion in organs and tissues throughout the body—including the mind.