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Neem is a popular herb used in traditional remedies from time immemorial. It’s known as Neemba in Sanskrit. Neem is considered to be cooling in nature, and it’s often suggested to balance the Pitta dosha. Neem is used in detoxification. However, neem is said to increase Vata, and hence it’s often advised in combination with other herbs. 

Uses of neem

Neem is used in a wide range of diseases. It is said to purify blood and is considered a good antibacterial, antiviral, and anthelmintic. 

Neem can be used in lepa, kashaya or as powder. Neem powder mixed with other herbs can be made into a paste with water or honey. It can be used over the skin as a paste. Neem powder with hot water can be used in bathing. Neem water decoction or kashaya can wash infections of the eyes and even piles. Neem oil is used to manage skin diseases and hair issues. Neem twig is used as a toothbrush. 

There are numerous benefits and uses of neem leaves.

Treats acne

Neem is anti-inflammatory, and it helps reduce acne and skin blemishes. It is a great source of vitamin E, and it helps repair damaged skin cells. It has antifungal properties and is hence used to manage fungal infections. Neem is used both internally and externally for detoxification. Neem plays a significant role in boosting immunity. Neem is widely used as an insect and mosquito repellent. To ward off insects, you can burn a few neem leaves. 

Reduces dandruff

Neem is an essential ingredient in shampoos and conditioners. It has antifungal and antibacterial properties, which are good to eliminate dandruff and scalp infections. Neem is used to eliminate lice, too. 

Relieves pain

The application of neem oil helps reduce pain, and hence arthritis patients use it to reduce pain and discomfort.

Neem is quite a versatile plant. Each and every part of neem tree can be of use to mankind-be it the leaves, bark, oil, flowers, or seeds. Tender leaves and flowers of neem are used in pachadis and rasam, and in many cultures, it is customary to add the pachadi to the lunch.

Here are some home remedies using neem

Make a paste of neem leaves and dab it on the wound or insect bites. It helps heal faster. 

To get rid of dandruff, boil many neem leaves till the water turns green and allow it to cool. After shampooing, cleanse the hair with neem water. You can boil neem leaves and use cooled water to wash your face and eyes to avoid eye irritation. 

Neem is an excellent exfoliant, and you can use neem powder to get glowing skin. To manage acne, dark spots, and blemishes, make a paste of neem leaves and apply it. Allow it to dry and wash off. 

Consult a physician

However, neem should not be consumed daily. You should consult an Ayurvedic physician before consuming neem. Neem can reduce blood sugar drastically and hence if you are fasting or on some medication, you need to take care to be taken not to eat neem.  


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