A liver abscess cannot be brushed away and must be taken seriously, says Dr. V. C. Ajith Kumar, Director and Principal Consultant of Ayush Ayurveda, Singapore, Little India Branch. What is a Liver abscess? Explains the doctor:
It is a mass that develops in the liver. It might occur after an injury or due to an intrabdominal infection that could have disseminated from the portal circulation. This mass is filled with pus and could be due to the formation of bacteria or parasites.
It is a serious problem that has to be addressed quickly because the liver might get affected seriously if the infection is passed on to it either through the hepatic vein or biliary tree or even trauma, warns Dr. Aith Kumar, Physician of Ayurveda, Ayush Singapore.
Abscess of the liver happens due to various infections in the abdomen such as a liver injury, perforated bowel or even appendicitis, explains Dr. Ajith Kumar. An infection in the blood, due to streptococcal bacteria or the bile duct can trigger the condition. Such infections cause different types of liver abscess:
A pyogenic abscess occurs when a pus-filled pocket forms in the liver. When pus is collected in the liver due to the action of an intestinal parasite (Entamoeba histolytica), Amoebic liver abscess is caused, elucidates the doctor.
Dr. Ajth Kumar clearly stated that prolonged exposure to congenital and acquired immunodeficiency causes fungal abscess and latrogenic abscess is a complication of hepatic artery ligation for tumours.
The veteran doctor of Ayurveda alerts that when a person develops chest pain or pain in the right abdomen, he must not rule out liver abscess as one of the cause. Throwing more light on the symptoms of liver abscess, Ajith Kumar elaborates that the patient might be troubled by night sweats, loss of appetite, and also might quickly lose weight. Nausea and vomiting become an everyday phenomenon. Some people often have a fever and the body is jaundiced, he adds.
The doctor, one of the best Ayurvedic physicians in Singapore insists that liver function tests should be part of any master health check-up for those above 50. Once any of these symptoms develop, you must also do a complete blood count along with a CT scan. In some cases, we also suggest a liver biopsy, adds Dr. Aith Kumar.
The doctor warns that once you know that your liver is affected, it is important to move away from alcohol and bring down obesity. “If you are a patient of Type 2 Diabetes mellitus, then more care should be taken. Biliary tract disease and being above 50 are a few risk factors to develop Liver abscess,” explains the expert Ayurvedic doctor.
In Ayurveda, we say that liver abscess is caused by an imbalance of doshas (especially Pitta and Kapha), points out the expert Ayurvedic doctor. (While Pitta is responsible for digestion and metabolism, Kapha governs fluids and nourishment in the body) “It is a stage of imbalance when the liver begins to accumulate toxins or ama. The result is inflammation, infection and eventually the formation of an abscess”.
Ayurveda also recognizes poor diet and lifestyle habits as contributing factors to the development of a liver abscess. Additionally, poor hygiene, contaminated water, and exposure to toxins can also increase the risk of liver abscess, points out Dr. Ajith Kumar. “Ayurveda, therefore, stresses good hygiene, regular exercise and stress management. All these contribute to the formation of Yakrit Vidradi, in Ayurveda.”
The doctor, one of the best Ayurvedic physician, Ayush Singapore says that Yakrit Vidradi is a pitta-kapha disorder and as stated above its symptoms may include fever, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite and jaundice. If left untreated, Yakrit Vidradi can cause liver failure, sepsis or even death,” warns Dr. Ajith Kumar.
Managing Yakrit Vidradi
To deal with the disease, Ayurvedic physicians suggest a combination of herbal remedies and dietary modifications and even lifestyle changes. We can always support it with Panchakarma, adds Dr. Ajith Kumar. We, at Ayush, give you a good combination of herbs to treat Yakrit Vidradhi. Giloy, Kutki, Yava, cardamom, liquorice and several others promote liver healing, elaborates the veteran doctor of Ayurveda. The doctor talks about the characteristics of the herbs used to treat the disease.
Giloy (Tinospora cordirolia) – Has immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties and boosts the immune system’s response to infections.
Yava (Hordeum vulgare) _ Commonly called barley, the grain is rich in antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties and promotes healing.
Bhumi amalaki (Phyllanthus niruri) – Traditionally used in Ayurveda to treat liver disorders. It has hepatoprotective and anti-inflammatory properties. Reduces inflammation and supports liver function.
Shunthi (Zingiber officinale) – It is a common spice with a lot of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and promotes healing in the liver.
Astragalus (Astragalus membranaceus) and Liquorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) support function and reduce inflammation of the liver.
The ubiquitous turmeric with its potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and garlic with its antimicrobial properties help to ward off infections and inflammation of the liver. Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) promotes healing.
All these herbs or a combination of these herbs are advocated by our Ayurveda physicians in the form of capsules, churnams or kashayams, depending on the body condition of the patient, informs Dr. Ajith Kumar of Ayush Ayurveda, Singapore.
The treatment at Ayush also involves the usage of several oils for managing liver abscess, states the veteran doctor of Ayurveda. He lists out the following oils:
- Castor oil: It helps to remove toxins from the body and improve digestion, which can be helpful in managing liver abscess.
- Coconut oil: It is known for its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties and helps to reduce inflammation and infection in the liver.
- Sesame oil: It is considered a nourishing oil in Ayurveda. It strengthens the liver and improves its function.
- Mustard oil: Its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, can be helpful in managing liver abscess. It is also believed to support liver health.
- Ghee: Ghee, or clarified butter, according to Ayurveda, is believed to help strengthen the liver and is beneficial in managing liver abscesses.
The treatment at Ayurveda states that it is very important to treat liver abscesses on time. Our team of doctors at Ayush also have a good follow-up programme and has an eye on the patients to spot the signs of any complication even after completing the treatment. We believe in promoting health and well-being, assures Dr. V. C. Ajith Kumar.
Dr. V. C. Ajith Kuma is a veteran of Ayurvedic medicine with over 33 years of experience in treating patients using the ancient science of Ayurveda.