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Cracked heels are a common foot problem that can occur in adults and children. But often, it affects women more than men. Ayurveda says that heels appear cracked when the skin becomes dry and rough, and it is due to Vata dosha. Known as “kshudra roga” (diseases with not many complications) in Ayurveda, cracked heels are also one of the major beauty problems.

These fissures or cracks appear when the skin becomes extremely dry. It worsens the thick, brittle calluses on the heels. Standing and walking can add pressure to the brittle skin. Tiny cracks appear on the skin. But this cannot be written off only as a beauty problem as some people develop deep cracks that are painful and get infected with or without bleeding. When the weather turns dry and cold or dry and warm, your feet are prone to crack under pressure.

Ayurvedic physicians opine that walking barefoot and long distances can create an imbalance of Vata and cause cracked heels. Dry and cold weather can worsen the vayu in the body and trigger cracked heels. Such weather can make the existing cracks on heels worse. The Vata dosha can dry up the sweat glance, and lack of sweating causes skin dryness. 

People with dry skin tend are prone to develop cracked heels. Excess pressure on the feet due to overweight or obesity is also a reason for cracked heels. 

Ayurvedic home remedies for cracked heels

  • Remove thick, dead skin on the heels with a pumice stone.
  • Avoid wearing thin-soled and open back footwear.
  • You can try medicated herbal balm or herbal moisturizing lotions.
  • Since the skin on the feet doesn’t have oil glands, apply herbal moisturizing lotion before going to bed and wear cotton socks. It helps to have soft skin.
  • Reduce weight and avoid standing for a long time. Do not cut the hard edges of the skin with a blade or knife.
  • Diabetic patients should consult an Ayurvedic physician if the cracks exist for a long time and notice color changes.

Ayurveda advices practicing Vata balancing for dry skin. Replace sugar with jaggery and avoid refined flours like white and corn flours. Avoid potatoes and brinjal while adding generous onions and garlic to the diet. Use cow ghee and sesame oil instead of other cooking oils. 

Ayurvedic physicians will prescribe medicated oils or tailam for external application to improve the skin. Wear cotton socks for better air circulation and soft-heeled slippers.


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