Ayurvedic secrets to oral health

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Ayurveda Consultant at Ayurveda Singapore says that a healthy smile is not only a reflection of good oral hygiene but also a testament to a balanced and harmonious body

Oral health has a crucial role in our overall well-being. V.C. Ajith Kumar, Director and Principal Ayurvedic Consultant at Ayurveda Singapore, says that in Ayurveda, an ancient Indian system of medicine, maintaining a healthy mouth is considered essential for achieving balance and harmony in the body. We can promote good oral hygiene by adopting Ayurvedic principles while reaping numerous holistic health benefits. Here, the Ayurvedic expert unveils the time-tested Ayurvedic practices that contribute to optimal oral health.

Jihwa Prakshalana, or tongue scraping

According to Ayurvedic Consultant at Ayurvedic Singapore, Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of tongue scraping as a daily routine. This simple practice involves using a copper or stainless steel scraper to gently remove toxins, bacteria, and food debris from the tongue’s surface. This not only improves oral hygiene but also supports digestive health and freshens breath. The tongue is believed to be a reflection of the digestive system, making this practice integral to Ayurvedic oral care.

Gandusha or oil-pulling

Ayurveda Consultant at Ayurveda Singapore says oil pulling is another cornerstone of oral care. It involves swishing a tablespoon of warm sesame or coconut oil in the mouth for 15-20 minutes before spitting it out. This process helps to draw out toxins, reduce plaque, and promote gum health. Oil pulling is renowned for detoxifying the mouth, improving oral hygiene, and even contributing to overall body detoxification.

Herbal tooth powders and pastes

Ayurveda encourages using natural, herbal tooth powders and pastes to clean teeth. According to Ayurvedic Consultant at Ayurvedic Singapore, ingredients like neem, clove, triphala, and turmeric have potent antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. These natural substances not only cleanse the teeth but also promote gum health and combat bad breath. Unlike commercial toothpaste, Ayurvedic formulations are free from harsh chemicals and additives, ensuring a gentle yet effective cleaning experience.

A balanced diet and nutritional choices

According to Ayurvedic Consultant at Ayurvedic Singapore, diet plays a vital role in oral health. Including foods that are high in vitamins and minerals, especially calcium and vitamin C, can help maintain strong teeth and healthy gums. Additionally, one should stay away from excessive consumption of sugary and acidic foods is crucial in preventing cavities and gum disease. A balanced diet not only supports oral health but also contributes to overall well-being.

Ayurvedic mouthwashes and rinses

Ayurveda Consultant at Ayurveda Singapore says that Ayurvedic mouthwashes and rinses utilize herbal ingredients like clove, mint, and neem to maintain oral hygiene. These natural formulations help to kill harmful bacteria, soothe gum irritation, and freshen your breath. Unlike alcohol-based commercial mouthwashes, Ayurvedic alternatives are gentle on the mouth’s delicate tissues, providing a holistic approach to oral care.

Stress management

Ayurveda recognizes the connection between stress and oral health. According to Ayurvedic Consultant at Ayurvedic Singapore, high-stress levels can lead to teeth grinding, jaw clenching, and other oral health issues. Practices like pranayama (breathing exercises) and meditation help to calm the mind and relax the body, minimizing the effect of stress on oral health. By making these techniques a part of your daily routine, one can promote a healthy mouth and a peaceful mind.

Regular dental check-ups and cleanings

While Ayurveda offers a holistic approach to oral health, it’s important to complement these practices with regular dental check-ups and cleanings. According to Ayurvedic Consultant at Ayurvedic Singapore, Ayurvedic practices can be integrated into conventional dental care to create a comprehensive oral health regimen.

Incorporating Ayurvedic principles into one’s oral care routine provides a holistic approach to maintaining optimal oral health. By practices like tongue scraping, oil pulling, herbal tooth care, a balanced diet, and stress management techniques, one can promote a healthy mouth and contribute to our overall well-being. Ayurveda Consultant at Ayurveda Singapore says, “Remember, a healthy smile is not only a reflection of good oral hygiene but also a testament to a balanced and harmonious body” Your radiant smile can be a testament to your vibrant health.


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